FAQ (3 of 5): Digestive & General Health
20. What are antacid medications for?
The main reasons for taking antacid medications are as follows:
1) Heartburn (GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease). When the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) fails to prevent the hydrochloric acid in the stomach from overflowing to the esophagus, the hydrochloric acid can burn and cause intense pain to the esophagus. Common causes of a dysfunctional LES include:
- Violent vomiting causing a hiatal hernia around the LES.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol and/or spicy foods, which causes inflammation in the LES and prevents it from closing the top of the stomach during the pre-digestion process.
- Overeating, which increases pressure on the LES.
2) Helicobacter infection near the top of the stomach. This causes inflammation around the LES and prevents it from closing properly.
3) Stomach ulcers due to past Helicobacter infection. In this case, antacid medications neutralize the hydrochloric acid and prevents it from burning the ulcer.
21. Do antacids affect the effectiveness of RaphaN+?
Yes. The purpose of antacids to neutralize the acidity of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid (pH 2.0). The pH of antacids such as calcium carbonate is 9.91. It will shift the intestinal pH from 6.0 towards 8.4, making it impossible for the bacteria in RaphaN+ to survive.
22. How do I manage my heartburn (GERD) without antacids?
1) Stop or reduce the consumption of alcohol and/or spicy foods.
2) Reduce the meal size to 50% and eat more often instead to lessen the pressure on the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
3) After a meal, go for a walk for about 30 minutes. Walking can lower stomach pressure and make it less likely for hydrochloric acid to overflow to the LES when compared with a sitting or lying down position.
4) Drink at least 16 oz of aloe vera juice per day over a two-hour period. This will significantly reduce inflammation of the LES.
23. How is Helicobacter infection treated without antacids?
If the carbon-13 or carbon-14 breath test confirms you have a Helicobacter pylori infection, your family doctor will prescribe 2 to 3 antibiotics to treat this infection.
24. How do I treat my stomach ulcers without antacids?
Take 4 capsules of Pepzin GI after every meal for 90 to 120 days. It will heal your stomach ulcers and free you from the need to take antacid medications.
25. What should I do if I must take antibiotics for a systemic infection?
Before your doctor can prescribe antibiotics to you, a bacterial culture test needs to be done to determine the sensitivity of the infecting pathogen to a range of antibiotics. Since most common pathogens are gram negative (e.g., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, Enteritis salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Yersinia pestis), you should request treatment with only gram-negative antibiotics, because the broad spectrum antibiotics preferred by infection specialists will destroy all the gram-positive bacteria in RaphaN+.
In the less likely event that the infecting pathogen tests gram positive (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes), we suggest you double the dose of RaphaN+ to 2 times per day after you complete the gram-positive or broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment.
26. What can I do if I have poor digestion from prolonged use of antacids?
Antacid medications are so alkaline that long-term use of such products will shift the pH of the small intestine from 6.0 towards 8.4. Lactobacillus species only thrive at a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. At pH 7.0, the bacteria stop multiplying; at pH 8.0, they only survive for 2 to 3 hours; and at pH 8.4, the bacteria are killed instantly.
In a normal situation, Lactobacillus species produce lactic acid to maintain the intestinal pH at an ideal 6.0. The higher the pH shifts towards 8.4, the faster these bacteria are crowded out from the small intestine, and the lower the production of lactic acid. This vicious cycle eventually shifts the intestinal pH towards 8.4. As a result, the person will have poor digestion and poor appetite, and food may take longer than 10 hours to digest.
To overcome this worsening digestive problem, you should do the following:
1) Take 5,000 mcg to 10,000 mcg of biotin 1 hour before each meal. Without Lactobacillus to produce biotin, the liver will not be able to produce bile, and without bile, no food can be properly digested.
2) Take 4 to 6 oz of plain yogurt before each meal to introduce lactic acid and other yogurt nutrients into the small intestine. These beneficial nutrients help the Lactobacillus species colonize the small intestine. Sweeten the plain yogurt with honey or fruit such as grapes, apples or bananas if you cannot tolerate the sourness of plain yogurt.
3) Take 2 to 4 capsules of Complete Digestion enzymes at each meal to aid digestion.
27. Should I exercise?
It all depends. Moderate exercise should be encouraged as it helps stimulate motor function. Exercises that increase hand and leg strength are especially beneficial. But intensive or risky exercises could hurt you. If you injure yourself or fall and then require antibiotic treatment, the treatment will offset the RaphaN+ regimen. If you swim, you must wear a float around your neck and be supervised by someone strong enough to prevent you from drowning.
28. Why do I get skin rashes after taking RaphaN+?
This only happens to those with an overgrowth of harmful microorganisms in their gut. Taken in the optimal way, the bacteria in RaphaN+ can cause these pathogens to die. The toxins released by the dying pathogens then lead to skin rashes. This is the Herxheimer reaction or die-off effect, and it should only last 3 to 14 days.
29. Why do I have diarrhea and rashes on my face after taking RaphaN+?
When you take RaphaN+ and experience diarrhea, this is a sign that RaphaN+ is working. It means that the bacteria in the RaphaN+ are purging the existing pathogens out of your body. It also indicates that you have leaky gut syndrome, which allows fine food particles to enter the blood circulation and finally settle in the capillaries. This transition phase is called the Herxheimer reaction, also known as the die-off effect. It can last anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on the extent of pathogenic microbial colonies in your body.
The reason for the diarrhea is similar to food poisoning, which is due to pathogenic toxins in spoiled foods. When the existing pathogens are killed by the massive amounts of probiotics you take, the dead pathogens release toxins from their decomposed bodies. These toxins upset your intestine and cause the mucosal walls of the intestine to flush out the toxins with fluid, giving you diarrhea.