FAQ (1 of 5): RaphaN+ Mixing & Storage

1.   What is the best time to take RaphaN+?

60 to 90 minutes after dinner is the best time to take RaphaN+.

2.   What is the best way to prepare RaphaN+?

RaphaN+ Part One, which contains live bacteria, is manufactured under freeze-dried and starved conditions. Preparing RaphaN+ improperly will cause it not work as the bacteria will be too weak to compete against the existing bacteria in the small intestine. Therefore, it is very important to follow the steps below to prepare your RaphaN+:

1) One hour after finishing dinner, add one small scoop (1 teaspoon) of RaphaN+ Part One and one big scoop (one ounce) of RaphaN+ Part Two into a glass cup that is completely dry.

2) Blend well until the mixture has an even color.

3) Add 8–10 oz of room temperature (about 21°C) bottled water with a pH of around 6.5.

4) Stir well until nothing floats on top of the liquid, and let it sit for 15 minutes before taking it.

3.   What happens if I do not wait 15 minutes when preparing RaphaN+?

RaphaN+ will NOT work well if you fail to wait 15 minutes. This simple yet critical step is required for the bacteria to be properly activated from its hibernation stage.

4.   What happens if I wait too long when preparing RaphaN+?

Once activated from its hibernation stage, live bacteria need a constant supply of food and sugar to survive and multiply. Without a food supply, the lifespan of the activated bacteria can be as short as 25 minutes in extreme cases. Therefore, if you wait longer than 25 minutes, there may be few or no live bacteria left.

5.   Can I microwave the bacteria?

No. Microwaves generate heat by rapidly vibrating water molecules, if you microwave RaphaN+ for even few seconds, you will destroy 100% of the bacteria.

6.   I don’t like room temperature water. Can I warm up RaphaN+?

No. The bacteria in RaphaN+ Part One can survive at a room temperature of 21°C (70°F) for up to three years, but should be stored at 0°C at all times to preserve the supplement’s potency. When you warm the bacteria using lukewarm water at around 38°C (100.4°F), you are shocking the bacteria by rapidly increasing their temperature from 0°C to 38°C. At least 50% of the bacteria will be dead on contact with lukewarm water. That instantly reduces the potency of RaphaN+ by half.

7.   Why has my RaphaN+ Part One become tacky?

If you allow RaphaN+ Part One to be exposed to high humidity, the ambient moisture will activate the bacteria, and it will become tacky (sticky). In places like Southeast Asia, where the humidity is 100% all year long, 5 minutes of exposure is all it takes to turn RaphaN+ tacky.

8.   How do I know if the RaphaN+ Part One is still in usable condition?

The two factors below will help you determine the condition of your RaphaN+:

1) Temperature (keep below 21°C or 70°F during travel)

The bacteria in RaphaN+ Part One can survive at a room temperature of 21°C (70°F) for 3 years, and the loss is about 33% at the end of year three. Whenever you travel and are unable to keep RaphaN+ Part One at 0°C (32°F), you should keep the product in a cooler with as much frozen blue ice or regular ice as you can carry. You can also get yourself an infrared temperature reading gun to read the surface temperature of the RaphaN+ Part One. As long as it reads below 21°C (70°F), the bacteria is still good with little or no loss. If it reads higher than 38°C (100°F), it is at least 50% dead. If it reads 30°C (86°F), you are losing RaphaN+ Part One viability at a rate of 10% per hour.

2) Moisture level (keep completely dry at all times)

Moisture activates the bacteria in RaphaN+ Part One, and once activated, the bacteria need food to survive. Without food, their lifespan is only 25 minutes. If you live in an area such as Singapore with 100% humidity, and you allow the bacteria to be exposed to extreme humidity for longer than 5 minutes, the bacteria will become tacky (sticky to the touch). You can observe how much of the RaphaN+ Part One sticks to a dry spoon: the more you see on the dry spoon, the worse the stickiness. In this situation, you should discard the entire bottle.


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